30 September 2010

Sono preparata per la pizza

I think right now I'm stuck in a strange middle place regarding the Italian language--on the one hand, I've been making my way (pretty successfully, I think) through college-level readings for my ECCO courses and taking detailed notes during lectures, but strangely, simple interactions tend to be more difficult for me.  I had to meet with a UniBo professor on Monday to find out if I would be able to take the final exam for her course before leaving Italy, and I left both of us so confused that one of my program advisers had to contact her to sort everything out for me.  Luckily, everything worked out fine, and next Tuesday I start Archeologia dell'Emilia-Romagna in medievo with real Italian university students!  I'm also taking History of Art with ECCO, which starts next Wednesday, and my Italian Cultural History course (anthro credit!), also with ECCO, has already met twice.

So, with everything finally worked out, I'm ready to celebrate the long weekend (no class on Monday for la festa di San Petronio, patron saint of Bologna).  Tonight, I have my first official Italian cooking class, and from there I'm heading straight to the stazione to catch an overnight train to Napoli.  I haven't yet had absolutely incredible pizza in Italy, but from everything I've heard, that's going to change this weekend!

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